
BQCON : A python SDK for doing Simple operations with Google Big Query

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A wrapper that allows to perform basic operations of fetching insertion and updations in Google Big query.

Table of Contents :

  1. Installation Procedure
  2. Dependencies
  3. Functions
    3.2 count
    3.3 fetchone
    3.4 fetchmany
    3.5 insert
    3.6 update
    3.7 delete_table
    3.8 delete_dataset
    3.9 customquery
  4. Examples
  5. Github Links and Support

Installation procedure

The python package can be installated using the following command using pip in your system. It requires a python version more than or equal to python 3.5.4. Information about other dependencies are given in the following sections.


These are the following dependencies which are to be installed in your system for the proper functioning of the package. These can be done using pip commands.

Dependency list:


The following functions are written in order to perform insert, updations and fetching operations on the tables in the datasets. Deletion of tables and Datasets are also part of the wrapper. Let’s go through them.

config :

Method to configure the connection pool and get the existing schemas given the input of the path of Json file which has the credentials to the google big query account.

  • Path : String : Path of the Credentials json file Returns : None : Raises Value error if there is any exception

Note: It is better to have user roles must be big query admin in order to perform dataset deletion and updation.

count :

Method to return the count of the rows of the given table , given the table, the dataset and where clause (optional)


Returns : Count : Integer


Method to return the first record for the given condition(optional), tablename and the dataset


Returns : Result : Dataframe


Method to return the records for the given condition(optional), rows (optional ), tablename and the dataset


Returns : Result : Dataframe


Method to insert data into the Google Big-query table


Returns : True : Boolean on sucessful insertion else wil raise a value error

update :

Method to update values givne the updations , tablename , dataset and condition (optional)


Returns : True : Boolean on sucessful Updation else wil raise a value error


Method to delete table from a given dataset in google big query


Returns : True : Boolean on sucessful deletion else wil raise a value error


Method to delete a dataset in google big query


Returns : True : Boolean on sucessful deletion else wil raise a value error


Function to input custom query to be fetch data from GBQ


Returns : Result : Dataframe


This blog post will give you a detail walk through of how to use and manipulate data using the above mentioned functions.


  1. Filtering and search operations in table
  2. Bulk insert and insert operations in table
  3. Best Scnearios and practices to use these functions
  4. Different Update variations using various where clauses